2025 UPDATES: Please bring all new insurance cards to your next appointment and verify your address and phone number when you check in at the front desk. 

Cancer Resources

Cancer Support & Resources

Patient Resources

Cancer is Not a Solo Experience

If you or a loved one has cancer, there are places in our community to turn to for additional help. No one understands what you're going through better than cancer survivors and the caregivers who help patients every day. Consider a support group or other organized support program to answer questions and concerns you might have.

We offer:

In addition to the above resources, each office offers a dedicated Patient Benefit Representative who can help you with any financial issues, including reimbursement, drug assistance, and billing issues.

Cancer Support Near You

Dealing with cancer is hard for both patients and family members. And in many ways, our practice functions as a very caring support group. But there are other groups outside our office that can provide patients and families with added information, guidance, and an unparalleled understanding of living through cancer.


The CaringBridge is a site dedicated to your health journey. Your personal CaringBridge website is your place to share health updates, photos, and videos with the people who care about you. The CaringBridge website is designed to rally your family and friends together to offer you support when and how you need it. Learn more about CaringBridge.

Here for the Girls (Beyond Boobs!) Support Group

Not your typical support group and/or more information about Here for the Girls, click here.

Sentara Caregiver Support Group

Caring for a loved one with cancer can be overwhelming and isolating. Caregivers balance multiple roles while navigating a complex medical system and are challenged with maintaining a sense of normalcy while living in a situation that feels far from normal.

For information about Sentara support groups in all cities, CLICK HERE or visit Sentara Cancer Network.

Men's Cancer Support Group at Sentara Brock Cancer Center - Man Up to Cancer

The Men's Support Group at the Brock Cancer Center meets monthly on the second Wednesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the 1st floor conference room.

This informal, drop-in group welcomes any man affected by cancer, whether newly diagnosed, in treatment, a long-term survivor, or caring for someone with cancer. This group is sponsored by the Virginia Chapter of Man Up to Cancer.

Man Up to Cancer is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping men avoid isolation during their cancer journeys. We offer peer-to-peer support, an annual retreat, chemo backpack program, and local chapters — all geared toward improving the quality of life of our members, and changing the way men go through cancer. Initial membership is through our online Facebook group - The Howling Place. After joining the group you can attend one of our zoom meetings, link up with a local chapter, register to attend our annual retreat, and request a chemo backpack if you’re in treatment. We would love to have you join us and our Virginia Chapter.

For more information on the Men's Support Group at the Brock Cancer Center or Man Up to Cancer, contact Kevin Johnson, Virginia Chapter Co-Leader at [email protected] or (757) 477-4147.

Chemo Angels

If you or a loved one are just beginning IV chemotherapy treatment and would appreciate positive support in the form of weekly cards or letters from caring, encouraging people, consider applying for a Chemo Angel. This free program is available to IV chemo patients living in the United States or Canada. For more information or to sign up, please click here.

Pancreatic Cancer Support Group

This online group provides support and information to men and women who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Spouses, families, and caregivers are welcome. Meetings are informal and include attendee updates and general discussions pertinent to pancreatic cancer. 

To be added to the distribution list for the monthly ZOOM meetings, please email John O'Grady at [email protected]. For more information, call John O'Grady at (757) 574-7516.

PinkSlayer Community Outreach

PinkSlayer Community Outreach is a cancer advocacy organization that provides patient navigation services, educational programs, breast and colon prosthetics, garments,  medical supplies, and virtual & in-person support group meetings for families affected by cancer.  They encourage effective communication with healthcare professionals. They provide training on communicating and understanding your medical team and records. Their team of dedicated medical professionals volunteer to provide expert information for our webinars, support groups, & community events.  

For more information, contact Kristie Fields, MHS, Founder/CEO, at (757) 598-4873.


VOA partners with Findhelp. Findhelp is one of the largest databases of community-based organizations that matches people with the resources they need. FindHelp is the fastest and most reliable way to get help with privacy and dignity.

  • Self-Navigation so users can research programs anonymously without fear or shame
  • Location-specific searches based on ZIP code
  • +500,000 social support programs available nationwide
  • Easy access to quickly find and apply for social care

Additional Resources for Patients 

Visit our Local and National Resources page for a complete list of community resources for cancer patients of Virginia Oncology Associates.