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Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Cancer Care at Virginia Oncology Associates

What to Expect After an Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis 

Endometrial cancer, a form of uterine cancer, is a type of gynecologic cancer best treated by a gynecologic oncologist. This type of doctor focuses exclusively on treating cancers in the female reproductive system. Dr. Robert Squatrito, a gynecologic oncologist at Virginia Oncology Associates (VOA), explains what you might expect after a diagnosis.

VOA uses an integrated, team-oriented approach to provide patients with personalized care throughout their journey. We have a team of gynecologic oncologists who specialize in women’s cancers and will take the time to explain the facts and answer your questions. 

Is Endometrial Cancer the Same as Uterine Cancer?

Endometrial cancer forms in the inner lining of the uterus called the endometrium. Another type of uterine cancer develops in the muscular wall of the uterus, called the myometrium. The most common type of uterine cancer is endometrial cancer which is why it’s often called uterine cancer. 

Most endometrial cancers are adenocarcinoma, which begin in the cells that release mucus and other fluids.

Understanding Endometrial Cancer

A new diagnosis brings many questions about the stage, treatments, and how long therapy will last. Below you can find information to address many of your questions.

How is Endometrial Cancer Diagnosed?

Endometrial cancer does not have a method of screening, so it is important to know your body and be aware of any signs that suggest endometrial or uterine cancer. Signs of endometrial cancer may include abnormal vaginal discharge, postmenopausal bleeding, pain in the pelvic area, a mass, or losing weight without trying.

If you have symptoms that suggest uterine or endometrial cancer, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist. Learn more about how endometrial cancer is detected, diagnosed, and graded.

Staging Endometrial Cancer

If a patient is diagnosed with endometrial cancer, the oncologist will need to understand the extent or stage of the cancer to recommend the best treatment plan. The stage is based on how much cancer is in the endometrium and whether it has spread to other areas of the body.

To learn how far the cancer has progressed, a series of tests and scans are done, and in most cases, surgery is needed to finalize the stage. Find out how gynecologic oncologists stage endometrial cancer. 

Treatments for Endometrial Cancer

A gynecologic oncologist is typically the lead physician when it comes to an endometrial cancer treatment plan and is also the surgeon who will remove the cancer. Other treatment options may include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy. The specific treatment options vary depending on how extensive the cancer is, whether it has spread, and whether you would like to become pregnant. 

The endometrial cancer specialists at VOA create a personalized treatment plan that considers the many factors that impact what’s right for you. 

Endometrial Cancer Research Trials Available at VOA

The cancer researchers at Virginia Oncology Associates are leaders in discovering new and better treatment options for gynecologic cancers, including endometrial cancer. Clinical trials may be available with some of the latest treatments. Talk with the VOA cancer specialists about whether a clinical trial is right for you. 

Endometrial Cancer Care and The Latest Treatments in Hampton Roads 

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer, such as endometrial cancer, it’s important to see a gynecologic oncologist. They can help assess your diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. 

For compassionate cancer care and the latest endometrial cancer treatments in southeast Virginia, contact the gynecologic oncologists at Virginia Oncology Associates. We specialize in cancer treatments, including medical and surgical oncology treatments, clinical research, and patient support. Our gynecologic cancer centers are in Chesapeake, Newport News, and Norfolk, Virginia.