2025 UPDATES: Please bring all new insurance cards to your next appointment and verify your address and phone number when you check in at the front desk. 

Your First Appointment

What to Expect at VOA as a Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patient

As a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient there are probably a lot of unfamiliar terms being used and decisions to make in what seems like a flurry of tests, appointments and planning. When choosing to receive breast cancer treatment at Virginia Oncology Associates, we understand what you're experiencing and are here to help.

It's important that we fully explain your diagnosis, including the type of breast cancer, hormone status, and stage. These things will impact your treatment options including when and what type of breast surgery is needed. We will work with your breast surgeon and, if needed, radiation oncologist every step of the way to ensure the right timing of surgery and any other cancer treatments. There are also clinical research trials for breast cancer available through our community-based locations that may be available to you. 

Dr. Christina Prillaman, one of our breast cancer specialists, explains what you can expect and how our team approaches every breast cancer patient based on their needs.

Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer

About 5-10% of all breast cancer diagnoses are related to an inherited gene. Because of this, some patients are candidates for genetic testing for breast cancer. Find out if genetic testing is right for you