2025 UPDATES: Please bring all new insurance cards to your next appointment and verify your address and phone number when you check in at the front desk. 

Genetic Testing

Patient Alert Regarding Genetic Testing

Virginia Oncology Associates recently became aware of a Medicare fraud scheme regarding genetic testing. Medicare patients, with a cancer diagnosis, are being targeted by scammers and offered genetic testing via a cheek swab after providing their personal Medicare information. The scammers are then using patients’ Medicare information to commit fraud and/or identify theft. Virginia Oncology Associates will never hire or allow a company to “cold” call you and offer genetic testing. If you are contacted by someone offering genetic testing by phone, or a kit is mailed to your home, without your prior knowledge, refuse the call and return the kit to the sender. Do not provide any of your protected information over the phone and contact our office immediately with any concerns. You can also report any suspicious calls to Medicare at 1-800- MEDICARE (800) 633-4227.

Virginia Oncology Associates