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Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Care in Hampton Roads & Eastern North Carolina at VOA

For men, the most common type of cancer is prostate cancer, with roughly 1 in 9 men receiving a diagnosis in their lifetime. Fortunately, prostate cancer is highly treatable with a strong likelihood of survival if detected and diagnosed early. If you find yourself or someone you love has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, learning about prostate cancer treatment can help you take an active part in making choices about your or your loved one's care. Review this section's important information about prostate cancer testing and diagnosis, staging, and treatment options as you prepare for an appointment with your oncologist. After reviewing these sections, ask your cancer care team any additional questions that you may have about your individual situation.

Just Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer?

We understand that a new diagnosis of prostate cancer can be distressing. The Virginia Oncology Associates team will be with you every step of the way, from creating a treatment plan, getting a second opinion, and explaining what to expect after prostate cancer treatment. We will arrange your consultation quickly so you can get the information you need.

Also, our team of cancer specialists will help you, and your family, make individualized treatment decisions. During this process, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to help manage your prostate cancer and continue with routine activities of daily life.

Prostate Cancer Risk Factors

Being aware of both the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, along with any risk factors for prostate cancer that are in your life is important. You can then take action to increase your chances to prevent prostate cancer or catch it earlier when an outcome is usually very high.

Screening & Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer does not always cause symptoms, but your doctor can check for cancer before you begin to experience symptoms. They will ask about your personal and family medical history, and might perform a physical exam. Learn about how doctors test to detect prostate cancer, when screening is recommended for men and what to expect if something abnormal is found.

Prostate Cancer Staging

With regular screening, most prostate cancers are found before they spread to other areas of the body. Many prostate cancers do not go beyond Stage 2; however, it’s important to learn about all the stages of prostate cancer and understand what each stage consists of.

Knowing where the cancer is located and how much is present is determined in the staging process.

Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer does not always require an immediate treatment plan. Your prostate cancer specialist at Virginia Oncology Associates will review your test results and will talk about watchful waiting if they feel that is an appropriate approach for slow-growing forms of the disease. Based on your stage of cancer and your general overall health, we will work together to develop a prostate cancer treatment plan that’s best for you.

Prostate Cancer FAQs

For newly diagnosed patients with prostate cancer, it’s important to understand all your options and focus on the best treatment plan for you. Learn more about the commonly asked questions and answers about prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Research and Clinical Trials in Virginia

At Virginia Oncology Associates, we are fortunate to have partnerships with Duke University Oncology Consortium, National Cancer Institute, the US Oncology network, and other major cancer center. Since VOA has over 70 ongoing clinical trials at any given time that include research for prostate cancer, we are able to provide our community in Hampton Roads, Northeast North Carolina and the surrounding areas with access to new cancer therapies.
Find out if a prostate cancer clinical trial that might be right for you.

Prostate Cancer Patient Support & Resources

Virginia Oncology Associates offers support for prostate cancer patients and their loved ones with support groups, community resources, genetic counseling, financial counseling with our Patient Benefit Representatives, and many more programs. We encourage you to learn more and take advantage of our supportive care services.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation is a prostate cancer specific organization that you might find helpful.

Prostate Cancer Treatments Available in Hampton Roads and Eastern North Carolina

If you or a loved one have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, the oncologists at Virginia Oncology Associates are here to help you through your journey. We offer the latest prostate cancer treatments available with treatment plans tailored to you. Our cancer centers are located throughout cities in Hampton Roads and Eastern North Carolina, including Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Hampton, Williamsburg, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Newport News, and Elizabeth City


Listen to our podcast episode about prostate cancer detection and the latest on treatment options.

Early detection and self-advocacy are the keys to combating prostate cancer. In this episode of Cancer Care Connections, medical oncologist and president of Virginia Oncology Associates, Dr. Mark Fleming shares his insights and personal experience with prostate cancer. He also discusses the importance of the PSA test, which plays a critical role in early diagnosis of prostate cancer.


Additional Prostate Cancer Education