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Radiation Therapy


A patient’s guide to AccuBoost®
The first innovation in Breast Boost technology in over 30 years.

A new option when making an important decision, women with early-stage breast cancer increasingly choose to treat the cancer and save their breast. Breast conservation therapy (BCT) starts with the surgical removal of cancerous tissue in a procedure known as lumpectomy. Lumpectomy is followed by daily sessions of radiation therapy to the whole breast for six weeks.

Whole breast irradiation (WBI) is widely accepted as the “gold standard” for breast radiotherapy based on over three decades of experience. The BCT protocol also requires additional localized radiation, known as the “boost” dose, aimed only at the tissue surrounding the tumor bed. The combination of surgery and completion of radiation therapy has been effective in preventing cancer recurrence. Numerous studies show that women with early-stage disease have a clear option to preserve the breast and fight off the cancer.

The Benefits of AccuBoost®

  • Accurate targeting of the dose
  • Non-invasive radiation delivery in a simple outpatient procedure
  • Lower skin dose and skin complications
  • Less toxicity and better cosmetic results
  • Radiation is delivered parallel to the chest wall sparing unintentional exposure to the heart and lungs
  • Conformal radiation field matches the target size, shape, and location
  • Uniform and homogeneous radiation field
  • Excellent reliability and reproducibility in patient positioning and process control
  • Less exposure to healthy tissue allows for better cosmetic outcomes 

The Importance of the Boost Dose

The full course of radiation therapy includes a “boost” dose solely for the breast tissue around the surgical site. This tissue may contain pre-cancerous cells that, if left untreated, is a likely location for the cancer to return. Numerous studies have shown the contribution of this all-important boost dose for preventing a recurrence.

The Need for Boost Dose Improvements

Today, the boost dose is aimed at the surgical site commonly by using the surgical scar left on the skin. Often the incision site is primarily chosen to minimize the visibility of the surgical scar and in most cases does not provide a good reference point for the location of the lumpectomy, and is unrelated to its shape and size. In fact, recent reports indicate that in more than 50% of cases analyzed, the boost dose which is aimed via the surgical scar misses the intended target. Clearly, methods that direct the boost dose to the target tissue and control both the delivery process and dose quality are important in preventing breast cancer recurrence.

AccuBoost’s Strive for Perfection

AccuBoost® is the latest innovation in breast radiotherapy that enables your radiation oncologist to achieve the goal of targeting the boost dose to the lumpectomy cavity margin – the tissue that is the most likely site of future recurrence. Treatment enabled by AccuBoost technology combines a noninvasive method of delivering a well-focused beam with the power of real-time image guidance to target the radiation dose accurately and reliably to the surgical excision site (target tissue). Additionally, the AccuBoost process strongly limits unintentional exposure to otherwise healthy tissue and minimizes radiation-related side effects 

Virginia Oncology Associates