2025 UPDATES: Please bring all new insurance cards to your next appointment and verify your address and phone number when you check in at the front desk. 

Second Opinions

Cancer Treatment Second Opinions

When you’re faced with a decision such as where to receive cancer treatment and what treatment plan to follow, you want to be confident in your decision and comfortable with the cancer specialists who will be taking care of you and your family throughout this experience.

Cancer specialists should never be offended when you get a second opinion, and you should not be worried that one of the doctors will be upset if you do not choose them. In fact, if they are offended you should take that as a sign that perhaps you need to seek treatment elsewhere.

You have choices when finding the best options for cancer treatment. Watch the video below to learn why it's important to get a second opinion on cancer treatment.

At Virginia Oncology Associates, our cancer specialists, nurses, and support staff want you to seek treatment where you’re most comfortable. That’s why we encourage patients to seek a second opinion. If you have already talked with a cancer specialist at another practice, please feel free to schedule a second opinion appointment with an oncologist at one of our offices located in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Elizabeth City that is most convenient for you.

What to Expect During a Second Opinion Appointment

Be sure to bring the following items with you. During a second opinion appointment the oncologist will most likely want to review:

  • Your medical records that include the diagnosis and stage
  • Most recent blood test results
  • Any images such as CTs, MRIs or PET Scans
  • Biopsy results
  • The treatment plan that’s been recommended

If there is anything else needed, they will order it to be done.

Based on the information that’s available to them, the oncologist will tell you if they agree with the recommended treatment plan or if there is something else that they suggest based on their experience, research, publications they’ve read and/or results they have experienced with other people.

In most cases, the second opinion gives patients the confidence they need to start a treatment program. If you feel more comfortable with one particular health care team and their treatment setting over another, we recommend you go there. If you choose the second doctor, it is courteous to tell the first doctor what you’ve decided by calling the office and telling the front desk staff of your decision.

Payment and Insurance

Most insurance companies will cover a second opinion assessment. If you’re not sure, ask the scheduler at the second cancer treatment center to check for you and they will let you know if there is a fee that’s different from any other doctor’s visit.